
作者/Writer:官方 2021.06.05







(1) 境内外具有相关设计经验的独立注册的设计机构均可报名参加。在报名阶段不设资质限制。不接受个人及个人组合的报名。
(1) Independently registered design agencies from home and abroad with relevant design experience can apply. No qualification restriction is imposed at the application stage. No application of an individual or combination of individuals is accepted.
(2) Design consortium participation is allowed with no more than two members. And the members of a consortium shall not further apply alone or join another consortium to apply or participate as a consultant;
(3) 参与本次投标的设计人员应为该设计机构的在册人员。首席设计师须由主持过多个同类型项目的人员担任,必须参与到投标及中标全过程设计工作的主持,且须按评审要求汇报投标方案。为了保证项目设计人员对中国地区背景和相关要求的准确理解,项目设计人员中应至少有一名通晓汉语的人士;
(3) The designers participating in the bidding shall be registered personnel of the design agencies. Chief designers shall be persons who have led several projects of the same type and must participate in the whole bidding and make scheme presentations as per review requirements. To ensure that the project designers have an accurate understanding of the regional background of China and the related requirements, the project designers shall have at least one person fluent in Chinese;
(4) 报名的设计单位根据招标文件要求提供报名文件及概念提案(要求详见招标文件中6.1 报名文件的要求)。
(4) Design agencies that apply shall submit the application documents and draft concepts as required in the Tender Document (see 6.1 Requirements for Application Documents for detailed requirements).
(5) 请在报名截止日期前登录网址: 登录并登记报名信息。
(5) Please log on to the website: to register the application information before the application deadline.

报名费用/Entry Fee


The top three winning candidates will be selected in this tender, and except for the bid winner, the other two winning candidates will receive a bonus of RMB 1 million. The payment of the bonus will start after the final bid award results are announced.
If the deliverables submitted by other shortlisted bidders meet the requirements of the Tender Document, they will separately receive design compensation of RMB 600,000, the payment of which will start after the scheme review results are announced.

Project Name: International Tendering for Architectural Schematic Design of TCL Advanced Semiconductor Display Industry Headquarters

项目地点: 深圳市南山区沙河街道深圳湾超级总部基地
Project location: Shenzhen Bay Super Headquarters Base, Shahe Sub-district, Nanshan District, Shenzhen City

Deadline: Before 15:00 of June 18, 2021

Host: TCL China Star Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.
Organizing Agent:Shenzhen Eden Consulting Co. LTD

联系方式 Contact Information
Contact person: Engineer Yang
联系电话:+86 18126316869
Contact phone: +86 18126316869

项目概述 Project overview
1. 企业概况 Company Profile
TCL华星光电技术有限公司作为全球领先的智能科技公司创立于2009年,专注于半导体显示领域,拥有亚洲最大单体电子厂房,全球单一产能最大的8.5代线,2014-2019年中国六大电视品牌市场份额连续排名第一 ,2020年Q1-Q2电视面板销量全球排名第二。
As a world leading intelligent technology company, TCL CSOT (TCL China Star Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.) was established in 2009, specialized in semiconductor display field, with largest single electronic plant building of Asia and G8.5 production line of largest individual capacity in the world. Its market share among top six Chinese TV brands has ranked the first place continuously during 2014-2019, and in Q1-Q2 of 2020, its TV panel sales volume ranked the second place in the world.

2.项目综述 Project Summary
The project is located at the north gateway of Shenzhen Bay Super Headquarters Base, surrounded by headquarter buildings of many famous companies, high-end residence and wetland park. The plot is next to Baishi Road on the north, one block away from Kingkey Banner Plaza; adjacent to Shenwan 2nd Road on the west, facing Shenzhen OCT Middle School across the road; next to Baishi 2nd Road on the south; and connects with Zhouwan 2nd Street and Telling Telecommunication Headquarter Building on the east.

3.用地规划指标 Land Planning Indicators
规划总用地面积 Total planned land area:8176.88 m²;
容积率 FAR:6.0;
建筑限高 Building height limit:100 m;
计容面积Area included into FAR calculation:49000 m²;
建筑覆盖率Building coverage:≤50%;
绿化覆盖率Green coverage:按照深圳市当地规范标准执行 As per local codes and standards of Shenzhen City;
建安成本 Construction and installation cost:约5.05亿元 About RMB505 million
建设周期 Construction period:3年 3 years.

设计内容 Design contents
This tender will determine the architectural design scheme of this project, and the bid winner will be responsible for the architectural schematic design within the project land boundary to reach the extent that the scheme can be used to apply for construction (wherein, the content of architectural design shall reach the extent of design development) as well as construction drawing design cooperation, review and control of scheme effects involved in each consultant’s work, construction cooperation, review and control of the site effects, landscape conceptual scheme design, and interior public part conceptual design.

报名要求 Requirements for registration
(1) 境内外具有相关设计经验的独立注册的设计机构均可报名参加。在报名阶段不设资质限制。不接受个人及个人组合的报名。
(1) Independently registered design agencies from home and abroad with relevant design experience can apply. No qualification restriction is imposed at the application stage. No application of an individual or combination of individuals is accepted.
(2) Design consortium participation is allowed with no more than two members. And the members of a consortium shall not further apply alone or join another consortium to apply or participate as a consultant;
(3) 参与本次投标的设计人员应为该设计机构的在册人员。首席设计师须由主持过多个同类型项目的人员担任,必须参与到投标及中标全过程设计工作的主持,且须按评审要求汇报投标方案。为了保证项目设计人员对中国地区背景和相关要求的准确理解,项目设计人员中应至少有一名通晓汉语的人士;
(3) The designers participating in the bidding shall be registered personnel of the design agencies. Chief designers shall be persons who have led several projects of the same type and must participate in the whole bidding and make scheme presentations as per review requirements. To ensure that the project designers have an accurate understanding of the regional background of China and the related requirements, the project designers shall have at least one person fluent in Chinese;
(4) 报名的设计单位根据招标文件要求提供报名文件及概念提案(要求详见招标文件中6.1 报名文件的要求)。
(4) Design agencies that apply shall submit the application documents and draft concepts as required in the Tender Document (see 6.1 Requirements for Application Documents for detailed requirements).
(5) 请在报名截止日期前登录网址: 登录并登记报名信息。
(5) Please log on to the website: to register the application information before the application deadline.

Competition rules (including schedule)
This tender will proceed at three stages: the 1st stage is the application and prequalification stage; the 2nd stage is the design competition stage; the 3rd stage is the bid award stage.

1st Stage - Application and Prequalification Stage
Open application is adopted for this tender. Six bidders will be shortlisted to enter the second stage, the design competition stage, after the prequalification of the applying bidders.

2nd Stage - Design Competition Stage
Shortlisted bidders shall submit the deliverables meeting the requirements of the Design Brief. The scheme review committee will adopt an open ballot to select the top three winning candidates without ranking to enter the third stage, the bid award stage.

3rd Stage - Bid Award Stage
After the planning review of the top three schemes, the Tenderee will establish a bid award committee according to law to decide the bid winner from the top three winning candidates by voting. The bid winner will be awarded the Architectural Scheme Design Contract of this project, while the other two winning candidates will receive the corresponding bonus.

第一阶段 报名及资格预审阶段
1st stage - application and prequalification
发布正式公告及接受报名/Issue official announcement and accept application:2021年6月4日/June 4, 2021;
资格预审资料提交截止/End of prequalification application document submission:2021年6月18日15:00前/Before 15:00 of June 18, 2021;
资格预审会/Prequalification meeting:2021年6月25日(暂定)/June 25, 2021 (tentative);
公布资格预审结果/Announce prequalification results:2021年6月25日(暂定)/June 25, 2021 (tentative).

第二阶段 设计竞标阶段
2nd stage - design competition
方案设计答疑会/Schematic design Q & A meeting,入围的投标单位递交《投标确认函》/Shortlisted bidders submit the Participation Confirmation Letter:2021年6月28日(暂定)/June 28, 2021 (tentative);
投标单位提交仿真三维模型文件至邮箱 submit 3DMAX building model file to年8月11日15:00前(暂定)/Before 15:00 of August 11, 2021 (tentative);
投标单位递交设计成果文件(提交地址届时通知)/Bidders submit deliverables (address to be notified later):2021年8月18日15:00前(暂定)/Before 15:00 of August 18, 2021 (tentative);
方案评审会/Scheme review meeting:2021年8月20日(暂定)/August 25, 2021 (tentative) ;
方案评审会结果公示/Announce scheme review meeting results:2021年8月21日(暂定)/August 21, 2021 (tentative).

第三阶段 定标阶段
3rd stage - bid award
中标候选人进行方案修改/Winning candidates modify their schemes:2021年8月21日-2021年9月21日(暂定)/August 21, 2021 - September 21, 2021 (tentative);
定标会/Bid award meeting:2021年9月24日(暂定)/September 24, 2021 (tentative);
公布中标单位/Announce the bid winner:2021年9月27日(暂定)/September 27, 2021 (tentative).

*All the time mentioned is Beijing time. The Tenderee reserves the right to adjust the schedule. Any change will be notified three days in advance.

竞赛奖金 Bonus
The top three winning candidates will be selected in this tender, and except for the bid winner, the other two winning candidates will receive a bonus of RMB 1 million. The payment of the bonus will start after the final bid award results are announced.

设计补偿费 Compensation
If the deliverables submitted by other shortlisted bidders meet the requirements of the Tender Document, they will separately receive design compensation of RMB 600,000, the payment of which will start after the scheme review results are announced.

资料索取 Inquiry of Information
Website for tender information


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  • jorgutyn


    人数: 若干 ,截止时间:2025.12.05



    人数: 若干 ,截止时间:2025.02.28



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